Staking Rewards

BaseFi Staking Rewards:

30% of the maximum supply is allocated for BaseFi staking rewards.

The maximum daily rewards are calculated as 1/170th of the remaining allocation. This approach gradually reduces staking emissions to ensure stability as the market cap grows.

To incentivize longer lockups, 70% of the maximum daily rewards are evenly distributed among tokens locked for 6 months, while the remaining 30% are for tokens locked for 30 days.

Early unstaking incurs a 30% penalty, with the forfeited tokens returned to the BaseFi staking rewards pool.

Community Staking Pools:

Community staking pools offer rewards in $BASEFI for staking other popular Base coins, fostering community growth. These pools allow flexible unstaking but with lower Annual Percentage Rate (APR).

We’ll conduct DAO votes to decide which coins we’ll accept for staking. Each chosen coin will have 2% of the BaseFi supply allocated to its staking pool, distributed over a 6 months period among all tokens staked in that pool.

Last updated