DAO Governance

The Role of The Cabal in Governance

The Cabal is the heart of the decision-making process within the BaseFi ecosystem. Members of The Cabal are actively involved in the governance of BaseFi, exercising substantial influence over the development and refinement of the platform's features and policies.

Proposal Initiation

Governance within BaseFi begins with the proposal process. Any member of The Cabal can suggest changes or new initiatives related to the platform. This democratic approach ensures that all members have a voice in the evolution of the platform.

Core Team Evaluation

Once a proposal is submitted, it isn't immediately put to vote. The BaseFi core team and members of The Cabal will then evaluate each proposal.

This step is crucial as it ensures that the proposals align with the platform’s long-term goals and technical feasibility. If a proposal is deemed beneficial and viable, it advances to the next stage; otherwise, it is returned for revisions or discarded, maintaining a high standard of strategic focus and practicality.

Voting by The Cabal

Proposals approved by the core team are then presented to The Cabal members for a vote, and the majority decision dictates the outcome. One cabal access pass NFT will represent one vote. Voting is conducted via a secure and transparent platform, ensuring that every vote is counted and the process remains fair.


Once a proposal receives majority support from The Cabal, it moves to the implementation phase. The BaseFi development team takes the necessary actions to integrate the new features, policies, or changes into the platform. Throughout this process, The Cabal is kept informed of progress and any challenges, maintaining a loop of communication and transparency.

Continuous Improvement and Participation

The governance model is designed not just for making decisions but also for continuous improvement. The Cabal is encouraged to provide feedback on the implementation of proposals and suggest further enhancements.

The governance structure of BaseFi places significant power and responsibility in the hands of The Cabal, facilitating a community-driven approach to decision-making.

This setup not only enhances member engagement and satisfaction but also aligns with the decentralized ethos of blockchain technology. By empowering The Cabal with the ability to shape the platform’s future, BaseFi ensures that it remains responsive to its users' needs and continues to innovate in ways that truly matter to its community.

Last updated